After winning last year’s coveted Customer Service and Commitment Award, The Harmony Therapy Trust are once again entering the Swale Business Awards. Established in 2010, The Harmony Therapy Trust provides supportive therapy to people throughout Kent during the time of their illness and at the end of life.
Since entering the awards last year, The Harmony Therapy Trust has increased the number of therapists working through the Trust by 25%. Founder and Life President Dawn Cockburn discussed how the service they offer was developing: “Last year we won the Commitment to Service Award and we know we continue to provide a high standard of service to our beneficiaries. From 2010 when we first began treating nine people on Sheppey, last year saw us treating 656 NHS patients, and in total we have provided our service to over 2,000 - 350 of whom are currently being treated.”
Last year, The Harmony Therapy Trust held an event Harmony in the Park, which was used to evaluate the services offered. The feedback from this event highlighted that 81% of those responding after having been treated by the Trust stated they believe that their lives are improving as a consequence. Eight-out-of-ten believed the therapy was making them feel better about themselves despite their diagnosis/prognosis and was improving their sense of self worth. Three-quarters stated that their family and friends had noticed a difference in their emotional wellbeing and attitude to wellness. These impressive statistics are reinforced by the fact that charities like The Harmony Therapy Trust saves National Health Services roughly £3,319,800.
Dawn finished off by describing what she felt made The Harmony Therapy Trust stand out: “We believe in our field we have no competitors as our charity is very specific. However, when compared with other charities it is clear that we operate with care to keep our overheads much lower and those who donate to us or support us know that funding is spent directly on the beneficiaries - some of whom receive our service within 48 hours of being referred to us! The fact that we have no waiting list is something we are most proud of and we pride ourselves on partnering and working with other charities. We go out of our way to ensure that beneficiaries are placed with a therapist close to them; ensuring that we can provide a quality service without the need for beneficiaries to travel far from their home.”
The Harmony Therapy Trust
The Harty Room
The Healthy Living Centre
Royal Road
ME12 1HH
01795 663 050